Lighthouse Container
⛯ A container to run Google Lighthouse tests.
Basic Usage
$ docker run --rm \ \
--category best-practices \
$ docker run --rm \
-v /home/wodan:/workspace \ \
-c accessibility \
-u \
Getting Help
The container can be run with help flags (–help or -h) and outputs help in a format familiar to linux shell users.
$ docker run --rm \ \
usage: docker run [various docker options] lighthouse [-h]
[--category {accessibility,best-practices,performance,pwa,seo}]
[--url URL] [--report]
Run Google Lighthouse inside a docker container with some options.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--category {accessibility,best-practices,performance,pwa,seo}, -c {accessibility,best-practices,performance,pwa,seo}
The category/type of test to run, defaults to
--url URL, -u URL A valid URL to a web site to test must start with a
valid protocol of http:// or https://. Defaults to
--report, -r Generate/workspace the full HTML report to a file. If
this flag/option is set only the html file will be
generated in the directory mounted with the docker
volume flag, i.e. -v /home/user/reports:/workspace as
output.html. If the flag is not given a single number,
the result of the given test which is between 0 and
100 will be piped to stdout.
--verbose, -v Generate more verbose output.
If you are working on improving the image/container or you just want to see more output the verbose flag might be helpful.
$ # for the score output
$ docker run --rm \ --verbose
All arguments given: Namespace(category='accessibility', report=False, url='', verbose=True)
Category: accessibility
Report: False
Verbose: True
$ # ... or for the report output
$ docker run --rm \ --verbose --report
All arguments given: Namespace(category='accessibility', report=True, url='', verbose=True)
Category: accessibility
Report: True
Verbose: True
Output file:
Please see the full documentation and/or visit the GitHub repository.
An OCI compliant image available on docker hub to run Google Lighthouse tests against a given URL. It can be used to generate a single score or output the HTML file. The goal is to provide a tool that can be used in CI/CD pipelines to ensure any front-end product achieves a given level and doesn’t regress.
Thank you to Raoul du Plessis for open sourcing the image of the lighthouse used on this site. The fav-icon for the site is provided by flaticon.
Indices and tables
Change Log
3.0.0 2022-07-08 Changes base to ubi8-minimal
Based on the fix in 2.2.1 to latest image and reading security reports, changed the base image to ubi8-minimal:latest to reduce vulnerabilities and reduced the container size to 1.05GB
Added an ENV for USER and then updated the appropriate places in the Dockerfile
Updated the documentation with the new version numbers and added tagging instructions as a latest version was added to docker hub
2.2.1 2022-07-08 Changed base to latest
Based on a recommendation from Snyk, changed the base container image to latest
2.2.0 2022-05-03 More explicit entrypoint
Dockerfile has more explicit code pointing to the entrypoint with notes about why it was done that way get the output directory from the environment as it’s provided by the Dockerfile
Verbose is now actually more verbose and provides semi-useful information
Updated README with more examples such as using the –help flag
2.1.0 2022-05-03 Better file names for output
- Refactored to:
output file names with dates and times in them
create LighthouseTest class to easy working with tests
ran entrypoint through black and pylint
Added ARG to Dockerfile for the output/workspace directory
Updated documentation with the changes
2.0.1 2022-04-27 Add documentation
Add sphinx generated documentation
In documentation show how to deploy to github pages
2.0.0 2022-04-19 Better Argument Handling
Refactor to use argparse library for argument handling
1.0.0 2022-04-12 Initial release
Initial release, container size 882MB